A slightly different post today as I wanted to share with you a photography book my sister recently recommended I have a look at. That being said I subsequently fell in love with it and wanted to share it with you all, as my first (ever) book review on the blog. The book is by Keegan Allen (“Toby” from PLL) and shares a photographic insight into his life spanning back from when he was given his first camera (aged nine) to now as an actor on his own creative journey.
The one thing I love about the book is the vastness of subjects he photographs, ranging from candid photos of cast-members on film/tv sets to my (personal favourite) scenic shots of California and the array of ‘characters’ you might encounter on the streets of LA. As a photography enthusiast it has made me want to pick up my film camera again and just snap away at life as it passes, as a large majority of the photos are taken on his Leica M6-*dream* film camera…This book is definitely worth a read if you want a source of inspiration for picking up your camera again.
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