A couple of weeks ago I headed over to the BIC to watch one of my favourite bands play, on their tour of their latest album “Anthems for Doomed Youth”-which I also reviewed here. After booking tickets for the gig back in November you could only imagine my excitement when the day finally arrived.
Despite having seated seats the atmosphere was a live and undeniably passionate about the main act taking the stage, and to say the crowd were excited would be an understatement. As beer was being thrown, cups hitting the stage and oh…casually a pink smoke bomb was let off in the audience, which I have to admit did aesthetically please me with a pink clouds floating through the air.
Setlist wise it was the perfect balance of old ‘classic’ tunes including “What Katie Did” and “Death of the Stairs”, as well as new album material like “Gunga Din” and (a new favourite) “You’re my Waterloo” which was partially played (beautifully) on the piano. It will be definitely one of those gigs which I will remember for years to come. If you haven’t already then I definitely recommend checking out their latest album.
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